When most people hear the word abuse, the first thought that comes to mind is usually physical abuse, where violence takes place. Although this is a form of abuse, it’s not the only one. victims usually suffer in science due to the uncertainty of what their abuser might do.
What is the definition of verbal abuse.
Of course, there is physical abuse, however verbal abuse is also one of the most common forms of abuse (in a relationship). Verbal abuse is words, language or a loud tone that is intended to emotionally harm, intimidate or control someone. Verbal abuse is also a type of phycological abuse and can have serious effects on a person’s wellbeing.
What are the signs of verbal abuse?
Verbal abuse may not be easy to recognise at first, so here are some of the signs of verbal abuse:
- Constant criticism: being criticised constantly about any minor thing, can be very damaging.
- Gaslighting: gaslighting is where the abuser tries to get the victim to question their reality and truth.
- Threats: making threats of physical harm or leaving them.
- Isolate: the abuser may isolate the victims from their friends or family. This is a way of gaining more control over the victim.
- Constant observing: the abuser may constantly be observing the victim and what they’re doing, who they’re with, what they’re wearing, who they message. They have no trust even if the victim has done anything to break their trust.
- Blaming the victim: putting the blame on the victim for something they may not even have control over.
- Guilt tripping: they may guilt trip, so the victim feels responsible for the abusers actions.
- Silent treatment: the abuser may stop talking to the victim. this way, the victim is being controlled.
If you are experiencing any of these, please don’t be afraid to reach out for help. Verbal abuse is just as important as physical abuse.
Being verbally abused can will have a huge impact on the victim’s mental health. These are some of the effects it can have.
- Mental health issues: verbal abuse can lead to having a number of mental health issues. Such as depression anxiety PTSD etc. being criticised constantly can lead to the victim having a low self-esteem.
- Sleeping problems: verbal abuse can lead to insomnia. Due to constant worry, it might be hard to relax and have a good sleep, you may struggle getting to sleep or waking up during the night.
- Substance use: if the victim feels as if they have to bottle up their feelings, they may turn to drugs or alcohol as a way to cope with the emotional pain.
- Self-harm or suicide: in more extreme cases, victims may start to struggle with self-harm, or suicidal thoughts.
- Social isolation: being verbally abused can lead to having a damaged social life, due to being isolated by the victim’s abuser, this can lead to feeling lonely and mental health issues.
Being verbally abused is hard to speak up about, however if you, a friend, or family member are struggling with any of the information given, please don’t be afraid to reach out.